Saturday, July 16, 2011



This Mona-diff-lisa is truly different. how? She won't smile unless you click on her!! aaha!
Click this link > & click on the image for more gif images from that website!

Experimenting with creating .gif image using
Monalisa's Picasso, does he get royalty for all the usage of his work? just curious ;)

Playing together

Little boy and Big boy
I wonder if its called playing together! All I hear when video games are played are, kill him, get him, hit it, run, go away, you gonna get killed, you lose, I win, its my turn, no way, don't do it, stop it, let me show you, you don't know how to play, oh man, I can't do that, I have better games than yours, we don't play that, dad doesn't like that, i gotto go, am tired, my neck is painful ! Whatta social vocabulary! Jeez help me God!

Patterns & Perspectives

Pattern sighted by 2.75yr old kid
My little girl grabbed the camera started clicking at things that got her attention! It was interesting to see the pattern on the fan!

Technology invasion

Nintendo DSi invading young generation
This was taken by my 2.75yr. old baby girl,in her perspective of her 6yr old big bro' (manoy). It keeps me thinking what gets these kids' attention! I'm worried about their social & inter-personal skills are being compromised. After these gadgets got entry into our home, my kids are getting grumpy, and noisy! Role models are switching from parents to super-mario, sonic-hedgehog/rush, Wall-E, Dora, Thomas, etc. Apart from the vocabulary they learn which is incredible, kids' desires have changed. They prefer videos than stepping outside and playing. Also their posture of playing is so crooked on their spine. My boy even named one of his handheld video game as "NECK PAIN TOY". It's a poison tree in my eyes. We gotto uproot it soon ... if not pruning it atleast! Wish me luck. Am I too critical? How do you guys handle?

Melody of a Thunderstorm - North Alabama

 If you have surround system, turn it on & listen to the sounds of this video, close your eyes, see it beneath you eyelids! Enjoy the peace! (Possible side effects are: you may get wet ;)
With Love (to nature)